rxs100 bucket or cafe racer

Australian bucket racing a collection of small commuter bike being ragged around a tight track. don’t see a lot of rxs’s probably because they weren’t imported to Australia proper.

But i have one so lets get silly.


seat, foot rests, side stand, brake pedal and center stand all off (heavy things they were)


and to think i used to worry about keeping those tank badges on..


paint was quite hard, seemed to have at least two coats of lacquer


Temporary bare metal cover, i think i will paint it all white when i get it finished


off with the pillion pegs.


Getting serious. decided to make the exhaust first as thats the hardest to move, pegs and the rear brake pedal can be shaped to suit the pipe. This pipe is a tzr125 one.


you can see some of the other pipes in the back round there both of them from rg125’s one a gamma the other one a fun, and the standard rxs one as well.


Sticks out too far can’t, tuck it in any more, the rear wheel get’s in the way (tzr had a long wheelbase), all in all probably two much work to get right.


Remembered i had this bought years and years ago, the down pipe that came with it was for a kh125, which obviously didn’t fit here.


bit of cutting and shutting here, never did this years ago because i only had a arc welder back then, got a mig today.


skinny, loads of elbow down ground clearance, suits the bike i think.


Just imagine the front a little lower, the ace bars, fairings and seat hump. yeah okay you need lots of imagination.


The old seat very very rusty.

Short term plan, just get it fun for the summer, big engine plans can wait a little while, it’s no fun if it’s broke or in pieces. Doing all this i realise how many skill’s i have aquired over the years, I could not have done this when i was 20. and its not really all that hard.

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