Runner 180 Kart airbox

Well heres how it looked the other day.

Ended up putting back on the front mudguard , doesn’t suit the massive rear tail and i need that tail since i don’t want a wet arse.

More bits left over.

And this is where i left it to go to the..

..Munster 100! i sponsored a bail for that you know! this suzuki 250 below won the classic.

This suzook was some where down the field.

What the feck is a tsr250?


Anyways after the neighbour ciaran won the 650 race (passed him once on a track day) i got back to finishing the runner.

First up was to remove the superglue from the inlet, it was already cracked, but only on the outside. cheapy poo.

Then while i had some epoxy out i fixed up sarges old bandit cover, which will be handy for the gsxf track bike.

My modded kickstart got modded again back to standard so it wouldn’t hit the new airbox, with all the pies cut out of it it’s a bit shorter now, and i have to stand behind it to kick it properly again but at least i have a choke now.

The articule, very light, but beginning to think it really needs a big spring or rubber band to hold the airbox in place rather then the single bolt at the rear, very vibey these things so i’m not gonna be very surprised when that little tab at the back breaks.

How does it go? bloody well, needed to raise the needle for more fuel and what goes with more fuel? more air! the engine is getting more air then when it was just a filter, job done.

well i still have to run it in a bit more and then do proper flat out testing and jetting before it’s really job done. also i’ve scored a pm tuning head with slighty dodgey spark plug threads and the handling is still rubbish. so really not job done i suppose.