extra fat chicks please

Finally fitted the X101H asus eee-pc into its custom box.

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Stuck in a new 500GB hard drive today, Point linux, debian just requires more work to stay up todate, i’ll trade the reliability.

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Yep Sky+ box, needs a top lid to finish.

To the BajaCorsa:

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Feck all snow to test the snow tyres.

got my lift springs this morning so i charged in. RJ5398 estate astra f dual rate springs.


On this end, the bottom if it matters which way up it should go in, got a mouth about 55mm wide.


The top of the cosrsa spring is about 35mm wide.


But both of them have one 40mm end, so in it went, it’s not perfect but i can eventually make up a spacer to firmly locate the upper spring. it’s not going anywhere right now, the static sag is a bit on the non-existent side…


Front came off nice and easy, left is corsa right is the combo. had a though after i swapped the first leg, should look at the upper thrust bearing, bit ropy, so a bit of a clean and some grease and on went the second leg.


Rears on, axle stands no longer tall enough.


Getting late, both ends done


Test drive shows that the lack of static sag makes lots of topping out bangs, so to bring that sag back, two spare wheels, all the old shocks and springs and a box of tools.


That left rear shock was leaking anyway, more driving needed, may swap shock about, most of the road holes are on the left anyway

Made it to the shops later, no nice finishing pic, too damn busy. only done 2-3 miles, steering massively lightened with nice thrust bearings, me likey.



Replace front bumper with tube work and a winch next time i’m let out.

Found a serow225 in the shed, nice. think I’ll be getting the knoblies for the xl250.


Cork Toy Run 2014 & and some nifty fifty tweaks

I would pay รขโ€šยฌ1000 for patina like that! as long as i got the gsxr1100 attached.


Cork toy run 2014, really nice fireblade here, but only got two good photos, aprillia swingarm, fiull spec ohlins forks



Other ninetys on the run


Really nicely engineered trike, check out the rear camber adjuster and the front wheel, not sure what’s happing there.


Back home dirty. think i’ll clean it before the race.


One job done the day after, gotta tuck that rear brake lever in.


Was raining by the time i finished, also drilled the pedal, for lightness ๐Ÿ™‚


Ought to make up at least one position per lap now at dunlop ๐Ÿ˜€

Mega updatesZ!

No excuses I’ve been doing feck all.
Got Married and now i have a proper welding mask, wedding gifts don’t come better.


Also a lathe turned up, nope it’s not working yet ๐Ÿ™‚




Took the motor out of the dominator for the GB400, supposed to take the CR gearbox out of the GB and put it in the 650, i’m all for just swap and go playing!


In other news i got this for free… i may have been robbed… (figure of speech mum, your car is lovely!)




Picture do not show ‘orrible hub caps. Recognize the grey paint?

Leaks in the rear, fixed by making a rubber gasket out of a car mat.



Leaking in the front fixed by liberal application of cheap army surplus store stuff. Yes i breath through that pollen filter.


Bit dead that one..



Looking at the stut tops up there and the rear axle..




I have a new found respect for the x10xe, it seems to be pulling the remains of a vectra A/cavalier C. I.E. a fucking huge fat car.

If i fit Vectra rear springs and dampers, Corsa Combo font struts, a winch, some 620mm winter knoblies with the archs cut up and disconnect the EPS, i should feel right at home ๐Ÿ˜€

Sunroof is a prime spot for a turret too ๐Ÿ˜›

Lastly (that i can remember anyway) is the yzf750, i got some cheap forks and a non busted front wheel. the fork as a bit shite but they don’t leak and a change of oil and some fine tuning of the chome (wet n’ dry ftw) should see the yzf bombing about the place looking oh so 90’s.




That would be, if i could find where the feck i put the top yoke!

also the XL250K3? yep that runs ๐Ÿ˜€


Did computer stuff

Got a asus Eee pc, x101H since it’s TDP is only 8.5w this will be the my new owncloud server, how ever it need a big ass 2.5″ hard drive, or some 22pin sata extender cables don’t know which way to jump just yet. Probably gonna mount it in side Moloch with the screen facing outside and multitail/apapchetop running

Stuff done today:

done a sweet html front page for Moloch

done some php

reinstalled OS (don’t mix testing and backports!) got owncloud 6, resynced the lot with SQLite. All on stable release again.

Configured Samba

Setup cron jobs

recent lighting storm affected Moloch cr232 battery and bios, reset the lot.


Ugly pic of an ugly box, but its the beautiful 1’s and 0’s on the inside that counts, ๐Ÿ™‚ ?

How did i get an Eee pc? free from theร‚ย Cork FoneSat people, my sony phone was such a bugger to fix they felt sorry for me and gave me a box of bits in the shape of a broken Eee pc, sweet as fuck. As a bonus the phone works as well.


Right thats the morning done, off to the land rover welding!

catch up


Took roof off truck


Something off the bucket list. not looking forward to putting it back together…


Installed SteamOS, default disc partitioning is sneaky, but i caught it, installed smooth as butter.


Installed CS



Got arse whopped


Bought ETS2, can’t lose ๐Ÿ™‚


Hot weather affecting server, so doubled up the fan over the cpu for some more CFM, didn’t work but it looks cool.


portable gaming rig

Cut my ATX case in half, the gtx550ti doesn’t quite fit…


Hard drive is only mount on one side with a piece of aluminium, vibrates too much but for now i’m pretty happy. Just needs a touch of paint and a face to finish.


computer salvage

Amstrad drx890, aka as a sky+ box, salvaged a nice 500gb hard drive, an sata cable, a molex ide to sata power cable and a little heat sink. also the metal it’s made of will be used for other projects. can’t be arsed doing anything with the chip, I’m pretty sure it runs linux, just not interested in re-purposing it.rPHOTO_20140424_155004

Moloch is doing well, i gave up on trying to use mdadm software raid and started with LVM, bit of man page reading and bish bash bosh up and running in under a three hours, with only four drives and no need for a fifth system drive, got a whole 400GB’s of space for media and made a 40GB for owncloud. the beauty of LVM is that i can resize any of these logical volumes on the fly, feel like a proper admin now ๐Ÿ™‚ ร‚ย soon some game servers will be up and running on this box, all i have to do is find a game that cross’s minecraft and GTA..


Gotta go play Enemy Territory at a LAN party, so i made a short ATX case to make carting about my quad core easy or even possible considering the weight of the bugger. This is the front getting glued on. Some interesting paint and handle to come, but it better be quick drying paint..


Left overs, just bought a 4″ vice some cheap little clamps and a pin hammer to help form all this flimsy sheet metal into RC car parts.


Carpet covered cloud server


Well that vt6410 card don’t work, bios has to support it, probably use the card some time in the future anyway.


So carpet covered server?


Weight them down to make sure it’ll stick well


Then i decided it should be upside down, so i got the small draper hand rotary drill thing (don’t say dremel!) and drilled the five holes i needed to bolt in the meccano hard drive caddy.


Then i decided we didn’t need a face


Extra usb internal ports, will be some how running debian as the system drive here, usb booting is crap with this motherboard, only recognizing the usb every now and then. also at this point the draper’s drill bits melted trying to drill the slightly thicker motherboard caddy metal, so i just just use one nut and bolt to hold the usb female ports on.


Now i needed quiet, most people use either resistors or a 7 volt mod to their PSU’s. i just found a 6v wall wart in my pile of stuff and wired up two big fans with the best bearings. also made it unplug-able in case of upgrades and just to make installing the wires around the case easier.


Hair bands, from back when i was long haired and cool.


Plastic meccano missiles, coz what the fuck else am i gonna use them for?


Here we are, really quiet, sitting on it’s face now, heat path should all be up. hard wired for speed, administrated via ssh, sitting at 52 degrees which is a bit hot, but it’s a warm day and fuck it, i’m not worried. Named it Moloch….


Next is a longer IDE cable for the hard drives, the one i have that will fit is ata33, then some fucking about with a usb key as the system drive.

Teds ypvs racer is looking well!

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Proper radiator needed to cool the athena 397cc top end


More Home Server

In hospital again, got the flu, but without an immune system it hits like a truck, delirious all day monday. Turns out my worst anxious nightmare is remotely installing windows. Least i got a nice cell for 48 hours.


So today while shaking like a leaf (swear it’s the hospital food, done more damage then good)ร‚ย Redid a few more bits for the server, 350 watt PSU with a massive fan, nice n quite, Radeon 9200 se gfx card, hooked up a bunch of drives, 6 in total (one 2.5″ ata in hiding), the bottom 20Gb will be the system drive in the future, right after i get the vt6410 raid card to show me some drives! then i can finally put the owncloud database on the raid so OS experiments won’t need a huge re-sync.

Then it’s getting carpet glued to the out side of the case! StarBoyz style, if style is the right word, that ought to do a pretty good job of sound insulation, will have to add an extra intake fan down low on the case along with a dust filter.


potential gaming machine, i love mechwarrior2: mercenaries and carmageddon perhaps it’s time to build small rig specifically to play these old win98/dos games? sick of trying to remember how to get wine to play carmageddon.


only thing wrong as far as i can find is the power board, which is only a tenner on ebay.
board probably died trying to charge pretty dead battery.


or the motherboard is gone, not convinced i should go down this route, the celeron 3 ghz processor is a 70 odd watt design, very hot twin fan, not much performance.

My own server

Wanted my own cloud server, so i built it, hello 1998 hardware!


Something missing there..


Remember always button up everything before checking have you left out anything really important…


Next part was getting extra power for the ati x800 graphics card, not a proper project with out some soldering.


Why extra power? now at this point i was awake for something like 28 hours (dodgy kidneys and coffee, don’t do it kids) so for some reason i built the hard drive caddy with five drives, despite only 2 ata ports on the mobo, any way one turned out dead anyway, i now have 4 healthy maxtors.


Sexy meccano hard drive caddy, really not doing much for heat dissipation, but right now nothing much happening on the drives and there under 40 degrees, so ok for now.


After all that? turned out it was a dead memory stick, ran fine for 3 days anyway..



Specs now are Gigabyteร‚ย ga-7vt600, athlon xp 2400, ati x800, 1280 ram, four maxtor ata133 hard drives.

Right now i have two drives raid-0’d, one hdd doing nothing, and one as the system drive. will try to get the system drive on a usb stick of some sort so i can free the drives , they will be arranged in raid-10, i could use the speed of raid-0 but the ata cables (two drives on one cable) restrict the speed to make that pointless. and i don’t really need 480 GB’s of space either 240 is loads since i don’t count movies as vital backups.

setup OwnCloud in ten minutes, works great even on the android

Future? build UPS, make it quieter, water cooled cpu, fanless gfx card, air filtration system (briggs and stratton air filter ๐Ÿ˜€ ) better/quieter fan in the PSU. Maybe a dedicated raid or expansion card so i can skip the usb system drive..


Lovely and warm in ma server room now

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