More Home Server
In hospital again, got the flu, but without an immune system it hits like a truck, delirious all day monday. Turns out my worst anxious nightmare is remotely installing windows. Least i got a nice cell for 48 hours.
So today while shaking like a leaf (swear it’s the hospital food, done more damage then good)Â Redid a few more bits for the server, 350 watt PSU with a massive fan, nice n quite, Radeon 9200 se gfx card, hooked up a bunch of drives, 6 in total (one 2.5″ ata in hiding), the bottom 20Gb will be the system drive in the future, right after i get the vt6410 raid card to show me some drives! then i can finally put the owncloud database on the raid so OS experiments won’t need a huge re-sync.
Then it’s getting carpet glued to the out side of the case! StarBoyz style, if style is the right word, that ought to do a pretty good job of sound insulation, will have to add an extra intake fan down low on the case along with a dust filter.
potential gaming machine, i love mechwarrior2: mercenaries and carmageddon perhaps it’s time to build small rig specifically to play these old win98/dos games? sick of trying to remember how to get wine to play carmageddon.
only thing wrong as far as i can find is the power board, which is only a tenner on ebay.
board probably died trying to charge pretty dead battery.
or the motherboard is gone, not convinced i should go down this route, the celeron 3 ghz processor is a 70 odd watt design, very hot twin fan, not much performance.
Tags: Homemade, meccano, silly ideas