An update!
Been a while eh? Kidney disease, very rare auto-immune Adult Minimal Change Disease, i’ve been in remission for a week, which is nice, so I got a haircut shaved my outa control beard.
Still off my face on steroids, having roid-rage at missing tea towels, eating everything (lost 17kg of water and fat, 72kg stickman now) but it’s time for an update, even half dead i managed to fix a few things 🙂
Teds new toy!, he wanted a GB500 for sometime, in the end he now has a GB400TT slighty tatty
Tatty is good because it will be getting the dominator 650 engine, then were gonna pop the 400 into the domi for the crack.
Cub90 longstoke racer head, really should have found an E22 head, but I’ll make it work, gonna raise the port to match the 22mm inlet i have, here I’ve finished lapping in the valves, there were well bad. actually the short side turn wasn’t so bad so once I’m done it should flow reasonably.
Nikki broke his car again 🙂
Noel Quinn top man, lent me this Chinese 110 just in case i blow the 90 racer, the other lads can still have ago.
Niall Mackenzie’s old yzf750r caburys boost race leathers, i fit in them now ‘coz I’m skinny.
likely to let me race in them? ha no.
And finally, over the last month and a half I couldn’t drive the bike, the poor landy never broke down! But it has been getting slower the poor thing. So a service, dad helped with all the bits that needed an arm (and not a wet noodle arm). We replaced the lift pump, fuel filter, oil + oil filter.
Cleaned out the mesh filter in the tank again too. The lift pump should have been replaced when i cleaned and sealed the tank. 1400 miles before i fecking changed the oil, really should have done when i got, lazy bastard.
Also a catch tank for the engine breather was zip tied into place, and some where along the way i replaced the rad cap and chucked the useless engine fan and duck taped up some internal hot air vents to try in vain to keep the windscreen demisted me vaguely warm. two coats, MX gloves, a hat and a full head scarf did most of the work 🙂
It’s all fast again, needs the correct gearbox oil to speed up the changes, then a longer ratio transfer box. still not enough boost, gonna play with pump setting but i still think it the crappy intercooler and pipe work. Later when I’m not so dependent on it.
Roll on summer, good kidneys and my bike!
more coffe, more work
Had busy day, finally stripped the forks off the yzf. mmm six-pots…
No more things found wrong thankfully
More things wrong with the truck, looks like a hub seal on this corner.
More holes on this side
But it’s all painted in one colour!
Other good news : adjusted the brakes fully, stops great now, slapped in a cheap boost gauge, only making half the boost it should so there is more power to come!
might have forgotten a few things, keep forgetting to bring a camera with me.
The bin has been modded.
well today i was gonna take off the rear end of the yzf and give a right good cleaning.
but instead i got up on the roof and took down a shed.
cat wants to know what happened to the roof?
inside the new shed, it’s clean for now..
really bad shot of all the shiny bikes lined up. will try to get a proper one soon.
after all that, i got around to the yzf’s rear shock, swingarm stayed in place and i measured the exhaust height at 61cm, after fitting the new shock and having a bit of a struggle with the massive spacer installed (chuck it), the rear went up by 8cm!
not surprising when you see the old shock length
lastly free forks!
yzf750r, stripdown
whipped the fairings off, few broken tabs, some melty bits. nothing totally beyond me and my anathema to fixing plastics and paint.
with em off it was best to get bike power washed, so before:
and after: Â blinging eh?
After: K&N filter too.
Airbox lid screws, yeah after 18 years you could expect one or two going missing. Must have been an obsessive K&N oil or something.
shock from the american lexus breaker got here, it’s sweet.
steering damper time! choices choices choices..
what else? about 7-8 points in the wireing loom need to be fixed properly, electrical tape does not count. the weird plate on the rear of the subframe have been removed, the tank has rusted through at some point and been repaired with chemical metal, not so bad, the tap however will need a rebuild as the petrol just flows out and lastly the headlight subframe is snapped.
all in all not a lot done today. pray for days off soon.
got one!, bike of my childhood! all those formative years reading Performance Bikes, having my mind subtlety warped by garishly coloured 90’s bike doing massive wheelies. I have to itch that itch .
€750 got an orignal not really messed about with hound, it’s 18 years old, all it’s chome is gone from the fork legs, the rear shock is off something shorter and stiffer and it’s blown, brake pads are really oil sponges and everything is grotty, badly needs a clean a front tyre and a steering damper.
Not changing the colour style, it’s awesome you know it 🙂