Jago axle

Got the axle off the jeep to weld up that tiny crack.


Struggled with the welder for a hour, trip blows if I turn it up to max (4) so at 3 I did the weld and it wasn’t pretty but it should do the job


Axle back in, lads at irishescortclub.com pointed out that a few vans didn’t have the spring pads either, there only there for comfort, so I chucked em. Not much comfort when you don’t have roof doors or a windscreen.


bout -1 this morning so after i knocked off the ice I used an old fourstar shirt to keep my arse from shattering, stayed in place great tucked under the strap, finally a use for seat straps!

ebay seller classicandmoderncarparts got back to me about the wheel cylinders, the sliding clips that hold the cylinder are no longer made, now i gotta find out if all 8″ drums use the same style cylinder or should i upgrade to a 9″ drum set.


The clips in question.

More english axle woes

Even I’m sick of it now.


Took for ever to wind on those nuts, but i didn’t want to chop the bolts until i have seen the ride height.


That piece on the bottom is meant to go above the spring and below the axle, it’s too thick meant for a multi leaf spring and I’m skipping the leaf mount pads anyway, hope the spring don’t crack. If it does it’s 5-link time! also in the pic you can see the ominous bit of oil on the axle….



Man wheels! hairy chested too!


Matt black rustoleum not so chip resistant as a gloss.


Couldn’t find an axle location pin (perhaps because i kept searching for a location bolt) it matters not since im not bothering with the leaf pads. the bolts edges would tear up the rubber.


It’s cracked, you can’t quite see it in the pic, it’s a hairline, and i would never has seen it except for when the axle was on it’s end in the garage getting painted, it leaked a tiny bit showing it up. (sorry bout the crap pic).

saw an atlas axle in Donegal for €220, maybe i should just redo the spring mount on that and slip it in, how hard can it be?

Oh fired off and email to an ebay seller about anglia wheel cylinders, if he has what i need i’ll just fit anglia bits, or maybe i really should get that atlas.


No pics this time, dead phone again, mostly did measuring today anyway.
quite accurate:

1034mm outer width of spring mounts(includeing 6mm jago frame)

88mm leaf bush width

934mm leaf/spring sadle center

485mm leaf eye to axle

m12 front bolts

quite dodgy:

1346mm wide axle (53″)

1220mm back plate to back plate (48″)

This stuff is from a guy named boswell, who is looking for axle info for his datsun.

the standard 120y axle is 51.5 inches (1308mm) [114.3 pcd]

MGB axle is 52 inches (1320mm) [114.3 pcd]

Ford Capri Atlas is 58 inches (1473mm) [108pcd]

Ford escort English axle is 54 inches (1371mm) [108pcd]

Ford Anglia van std axle is 50 inches (1270mm) [108pcd]

Reliant Scimitar is 53 inches (1346mm) [114.3pcd]

Axle was doing my head in until i saw his info, it must be an escort axle, with an anglia 4.44:1 diff, the brakes however are still annoying me,

Are all 8″ drums the same? I don’t like the single piston sliding thing, but if it were just that i’d live with it, it’s the imperial vs metric thats tripping me up now, are they anglia drums (imperial) or escort (metric)?