Mega updatesZ!
No excuses I’ve been doing feck all.
Got Married and now i have a proper welding mask, wedding gifts don’t come better.
Also a lathe turned up, nope it’s not working yet 🙂
Took the motor out of the dominator for the GB400, supposed to take the CR gearbox out of the GB and put it in the 650, i’m all for just swap and go playing!
In other news i got this for free… i may have been robbed… (figure of speech mum, your car is lovely!)
Picture do not show ‘orrible hub caps. Recognize the grey paint?
Leaks in the rear, fixed by making a rubber gasket out of a car mat.
Leaking in the front fixed by liberal application of cheap army surplus store stuff. Yes i breath through that pollen filter.
Bit dead that one..
Looking at the stut tops up there and the rear axle..
I have a new found respect for the x10xe, it seems to be pulling the remains of a vectra A/cavalier C. I.E. a fucking huge fat car.
If i fit Vectra rear springs and dampers, Corsa Combo font struts, a winch, some 620mm winter knoblies with the archs cut up and disconnect the EPS, i should feel right at home 😀
Sunroof is a prime spot for a turret too 😛
Lastly (that i can remember anyway) is the yzf750, i got some cheap forks and a non busted front wheel. the fork as a bit shite but they don’t leak and a change of oil and some fine tuning of the chome (wet n’ dry ftw) should see the yzf bombing about the place looking oh so 90’s.
That would be, if i could find where the feck i put the top yoke!
also the XL250K3? yep that runs 😀