dt175 parts and 17 times crashed rxs100



Got it from ebay, didn’t realise the combustion chamber was offset, still it’s in good condition and was cheap, a good start to project rxs175


I think this is actually my old rxs100, I might resurrect this one so that the frame numbers match, or perhaps it is too far gone. Some bits will be saved off it anyway like the rear sets and the tuned barrel.


  • hmmmnz says:

    im just a random, who randomly found your page, but your misadventures are great 😀
    ill keep checking back:D keep up the good work

    hmmmnz from new zealand

  • TerraRoot says:

    Welcome!, I get some of my idea’s from the bucket racers of New Zealand and Australia, possibly they have had more crashes and misadventures then even I!

  • hmmmnz says:

    lol, hehe probably, bucket racing is big over here,
    you know you wan to turn the rxs into a bucket 😀
    its a shame its not as big in the uk, it just seems to be race 250 2strokes or go straight to the 600cc class, the crappy 125 smokeys is where its at 😀

  • TerraRoot says:

    Yeah there’s no cheap way of getting your racing fix, it’s even worse in Ireland! Rxs will be going racer style, even found some race fairings in the back garden, but first, work on other people’s bike must be done. (need money!)

  • scott lowe says:

    omg this place would be like heaven to meeee! i wish i had these bikes in my garden i would these sort of projects are u selling that rgv ?

  • TerraRoot says:

    I assume you mean the gamma 125? long gone to the bin i’m afraid. Must fix up that rgv125fun, no reason for it to sit their (apart from nearly eating my foot!)

  • stop fascism says:

    I hope you update this blog often because I’m anxious to read more.

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