88cc head porting
Race is soon, need faster engine, orders parts asap!
24mm cvk carb and inlet manifold, a second hand 1980’s honda rs250 foot peg, rasps for the dremmel, better quality air filter (old one is barely hanging in there) and a 38 and 39 tooth rear sprocket.
Engine out! real pleased at how easy that has become.
head off, inspection, and i’m a happy bunny!
valves didn’t hit the piston and the piston didn’t hit the head.
chamber is really black due to me running so rich all day on the new years run, still no real damage.
valve seats are still fucked, who’s surprised?
got all prepped to flow things and i realise.. that i put the collet and nut in a safe place to avoid the smallie from taking it off (as he would occasionally run about the place with it) and choking on it. A really really safe place.
I did in the mean time get a loan of a dremmel and made a start on flowing the head, piccies next time!