racing fiftys and restoring 7fiftys
So nifty fifty 2015 race report, it’s not good people, first i got a camping stove so that i wouldn’t smoke out brahams van. then brahams van died, so i stayed in a B&B with stephen.
morning of the race..
race was a complete fail. the transponder was flaky, the tyres had 30psi in them from the new years day run, i fell off, braham fell off, i was 7 seconds off, dropped tyre pressure to 24psi instead of 20 thinking the tyre was hot, not quite enough but better, at the end of the day i took the last 15 minutes of the race and got down to a 1.32, still two seconds off but lessons learned for next year.
Next important thing is the fix up the yzf750, gotta do some trackdays, yzf is perfect.
Decided to change the front wheel, i knew it was cracked and had been welded very well, but it leaked and anywho i had a better wheel. Also reason to change from badly painted orange wheel to yellow, mismatched lurid wheels are so 90’s right?
no contest in the end there was only one yellow at halfords and i can’t be arsed to go any further, on with the white primer and soon on with the fiat bloom yellow.
More bits lost, fucking clueless as to where everything is. they have to be in a bucket somewhere!
this upper bar is supposed to be horizontal as far as i can tell from yamaha brochures. i’ll weld it up when it’s back on its wheels and the body work is going on
Future bajacorsa tube bumper?