Status: bate..
Roof off driving is going well, also i like walking a bit more now…
Door was driving me mad, with out the roof it seemed to be banging alot more, as you can see it’s totally fucked and not worth repairing.
So i patched it up for the craic, extra bits were welded in to support the retaining bolts, they weren’t attached really at either end any more.
Note how thin that bolts shank is, wonder how much longer i can get out of this door?
That, was all a while ago, work got in the way, exams, hospital visits, buckets of rain, usual stuff, so today i finished the door and before i fitted it up i measured an 18mm difference in that gap from the top of the windscreen to the rear bulkhead. bit much i though, was half way through adjusting the windscreen when i remembered i’ve not looked at the chassis in a while….
Cracked the feck out, the bit on the right is not so bad until you realise there is supposed to the an out rigger there, and on the left, behind that hole is the crack. The out rigger it self was repaired with some thin galvanised sheet metal, crap work bites me in the ass.
Also the bottom of the rear bulkhead rotted away a bit and was repaired in the past, probably why the door don’t fit.
Face full of land rover, and also the reason why not many photos today, back on the nokia e51, the sony is getting repaired or chucked not sure which yet.
Lastly i mentioned an exam, i passed it a have treated my self to some serious server hardware, more on that as soon as i pick it up,
Tags: 109", land rover series