the runner the rxs and the tzr
Many updates today.
link pipe for the runner 180/kart airbox experiment has turned up, just have to dig the runner out now..
Got started on sorting the rxs fork. after some measureing i’l be taking 4cm off the length.
picture to remind me how to put them back together.
tzr gearchange lever needed lengthening to suit the aftermarket rearsets.
scrap paper calculations.
scrap metal for the chop
magnet holds it all together quite nicely while i weld.
20mm increase on the long part and 5mm on the short part, there should be no difference in lever throw and i can now change with my foot rather then my big toe nail.
then i sat around looking at this r6, i did not measure the front end to see if it would fit the cbr6….
Tags: gilera runner 180, rxs 100, tzr250 3ma