Bajaj tuk tuk, the build
but first up is, fixed my cbr6 chain lash by slotting in 5 bits of chopped up number plate around the cush drive, on the non driven side of the rubber. I have the sweetest gearchange now and a clean rear wheel!
and then we got sarahs car fixed at kenny bros crash repair, excellent work (hint hint!)
Damit just realised i forgot to take a pic of the underneath where i spent the day working
Leftovers, this just from the bit i was working on, sarge had some more left over from the body.
you can see it’s a bit bent, didn’t take much force to straighten it up
Paint’s drying, body on plastic bin’s, very handy having a light body.
Front paint dry, windscreen just balancing in place, roof chop would be cool, but there is not enough space inside to make it comfortable.
Who’s that awesome man?
Can’t believe i didn’t take a pic of the underside, it’s gonna need a sheet of meat 50x90cm
Roof temporarily thrown on, look at the floor!
Lots of things to do, but just to go for a test ride it only needs the hole welded up, the front drum is enough for a short while, the rears need a complete overhaul.tails light need a bit of hot wireing, roof and loads of small stuff. right had stuff to say but im tired and i’ve forgotten it all 🙂
You could start up a bussiness, taxing people and old ladies around town on that tuk tuk
it would be fun hauling drunk girls between clubs but since it’s a bike i don’t think i could convince ’em to wear helmets.